Leanne & Lexy

Leanne & Lexy

Monday 24 January 2011


Hey this is leanne writing here :)
I have just read my fellow blog inventors last post and I am close to tears reading it. Apart from the obvious reasons(i.e-that she is one of my closest friends,an amazing person and that I just plain love the girl,) I just understand what she is going through and has went through. Its not fair that a 19 year old girl has to cope with this sort of illness and its especially not fair if people walk away from her because of it,and I know there have been people that have done this to her,I mean theres been people that have done it to me as well over the years-the goings got too tough for them and they run-and its just plain wrong because at the end of the day we are young woman,we have personalities,interests,ambitions,feelings,senses of humour-we are not just two ill girls,our illness shouldnt shape our life as much as it does-it should be us that control all aspects of it not the illness or what people think the illness makes you like. I dont know about everybody with this disease but I can speak for me and lexi when I say that we have been denied jobs,studying,certain friendships,certain relationships and alot of fun because of this,sometimes due to the illness making us unreliable but sometimes its been because non sufferers just do not understand our health problems-I have had some people,who were ment to be friends, that have just stopped calling me when ive been ill because I cant come out and do things with them so therefore I am boring,or that have eventually argued with me because they thought I was exaggerating when I told them about how I was feeling-to them I had a stomach disease which meant I had a bit of tummy pain,some tiredness and occassionally needed medicine to help me,and this has upset me so much whenever it has happened because its so frustrating and it also is yet another reminder of the struggles I face whenever this illness decides to play up(which has been quite alot.) I hate that  I cant get a normal 9-5 job because employers say I am unreliable,I hate that studying and passing a whole course is so hard for me even tho i know im not stupid,I want to be someone,I want to have the chance to get to where I wanna be in life and I want to be known for what I accomplish-not be known as  the girl who doesnt keep well!! True alot of people have this illness and have relatively okay lives healthwise,but there is also so so many people that struggle each and every day to do the smallest things and I think this needs to be said more. Its not just a bit of stomach pain,its an incurable illness that (worst case scenario)people can actually die from,but this isnt said alot, Im not trying to scare people or go on about things like this but I just think that there isnt enough information available for not only sufferers but also non sufferers or family and friends of sufferers-and that isnt right! Having the right information made widely available could help people like me,lexi and alot of others I know-because then maybe friends,family,tutors and even potential employers would be able to understand things alot more,even be able to look past the illness and see us for the people we are and the potential we have!!
More and more people are being diagnosed with crohns,colitis and other bowel diseases like this nowadays, it needs to be known that theres not enough information or support for them! Hopefully we can play a small part in getting that message across.
I am sorry if this has been a boring read lol Its just that I find it hard enough struggling through my days with this illness as it progresses further and further without having to witness my good friend going through the same thing as I was a year or two ago healthwise and also to know that she is being made to feel a certain way because of the crohns and because of some peoples attitude towards it.
I have been going through test after test over the past few months because the doctors are worried that my disease is now progressing to other places in my body-places that they have never seen it before- if it continues like this then I have been told that I would be lucky to reach the age of thirty, Im 23 now.
I really hope that the campaign me and lexi are about to start will play even a small part in changing a few of the things I have mentioned above,thats all we can do at the moment-just hope.
Please pass on the link to this blog to as many people you know that could benefit from following us-or even people who are healthy friends and family members- help us change things :)
We are not always depressing by the way lol just had to say that, its just been a rough few months for the both of us and we are just dealing with it as best we can.
If you have any questions at all about us,what we've written,the campaign we'll be doing(how u can get involved) or even anything you need advice on then please send us a message through this :)!
Also check out our site www.abeautifulaffliction.webs.com
it is not fully finished yet but it shall be finished very very soon-with chatrooms,links etc....
Thanks for reading :)
Leanne xxxxxxxxx

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