Leanne & Lexy

Leanne & Lexy

Wednesday 27 April 2011

" I Think I'm Gonna Make It"

Well it has been a turbulent couple of months in my life! been in and out of hospital, one more relationship down the tubes another operation and a gran who has cancer! However my crohns is gone, my stoma is fixed, I am happily single, and going out so much more! and my gran has a small op and 5 weeks of radiotherapy to go through then she will be fixed! So there is a silver lining to all of this!

OK, lets go from the start. I was in and out for various things! but mainly my stoma deciding to fail at life again! they fixed it about 3 weeks ago so I'm up to my 6th op :(! So this is the first time I have felt happy and healthy in 2 years! So I'm excited to get my life back and be normal again :)!
However I came out of hospital on the Sunday and Sunday night my boyfriend broke up with me :(! But we are trying to be friends and that's good, he was a big part of my life and I still love him. But things change, and if he can still be in my life even a little bit then I will be happy. I want him to know that I will always be there for him. <3!
Then the Day I went for my operation, my Gran was diagnosed with cancer. Breast cancer actually. So, She will be going for an operation on Friday the 13th of May, and then 5 weeks worth of Radiotherapy. She is so strong and I look up to that woman for her strength, and how she handles everything!. So GET WELL SOON GRANDMA!
But now that I'm healthy I have been going out more and been busy everyday for 2 weeks now :)!I love the new me :D!
Leanne is still really ill at the moment and is pretty much at the stage of giving up. She cant take another 10 years of hell and I understand where she is coming from. I just wish she would carry on a little longer until she can have the operation to remove her back passage. But its her choice and I will understand. It's all you can do when you reach that stage. You either fight your way back for the umpteenth time, or you slowly give up.
So Leanne if you read this. I love you loads sweetie and I hope you get better soon!

anyway nothing much else is going on in my life, just applying for an Open Uni course in Psychology, because I want to work with children still so I think I want to try child psychology. As teaching will always be out now
Anyway, if anything happens health wise or in general I will always fill in :) but now I'm better I plan to go back to go back to blogging every 2-3 weeks :)

Ciao for now
 lexy <3!
mwah xxxx

This song means alot to me <3

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